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5 Chicks a Peeping...

So we now have 5 adorable little chicks!

Mamma is doing great, so far no losses and everyone is doing well. They hatched out Saturday, so today they were allowed out into their play lot.

Mamma is very protective, so I have not been able to handle these chicks yet. I have found that naturally hatched chicks do tend to be a bit more stand-offish, but they do get over that. However, they never seem to be the holding kind like some chickens.

As you will notice, none of the chicks look like mom. Hens will lay on whatever eggs you put under her, be it bantam, green, blue, or big gold. They will all hatch the same. As such, under this hen we have a mystery batch. We were actually on vacation when she went broody, so we didn't actually get to choose what eggs she got. I know that a couple were easter eggers, a bantam chochin, and a couple that I am not sure which chicken they came from.

They are terribly cute though!

Javelina Range

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