Speckled Sussex - Breed HighlightOne of the many breeds I have in our flock is the Speckled Sussex. We have 2, Spot 1 and Spot 2. They are probably some of my favorites...
Millie de Fleur - Ornamental BreedOne of the highlights on our little farm is Millie. She is a bantam Millie de Fleur. They have a very unique color pattern and feathers...
Barred Plymouth RocksOur second addition this spring is a couple Barred Rock chicks. Another dual-purpose bird, they are good layers of large brown eggs,...
New Breed to the Flock - Silver Laced WyandotteI can not go a spring without getting some new chicks. It is a sickness, sadly there is no cure. There are 3 that I am adding. The first...
Mare FoalingLast night was a fun night for us. I got a call from a fellow horseback rider yesterday evening. She does some odd jobs around and floats...
One person farmer's marketSaturday, I decided to head into town and sell some of my plant starts and eggs. It is a little early for the farmer's market in town to...
Fish and Ducks - Bad Combo!Well, it is coming into summer, and that means our duck ponds are getting nasty. We gave our ducks 2 kiddie pools and buried them to make...
PotatoesThe potato plants are growing really well. We were able to get the irrigation system most of the way hooked up, so now I don't have to...
Take Pride in the Little ThingsToday was an amazing day for us on the farm. I was able to sell our first set of seedling plants! To others, you may read this and say,...
Duck UpdateThe ducks are doing well, now they are actually looking like real ducks! We have the 3 older females, the black Cayuga ducks, that are...
Bumblefoot - Infection of the footBumblefoot is a bacterial infection of the leg that can happen in chickens and ducks. This can happen from a duck getting a small scrape...
Duck Infection - MedicatingOne of our poor cayuga ducks ended up with an infection on her leg/foot. This is what many duck people call Bumblefoot. First, how we...