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Chick Days Of Spring

It's almost that time again, CHICK SEASON!!!

Most older chicken hoarders can tell you, that in the farming market, things come in seasons. Most farming stores will start to carry supplies for your new flock in early March and go through the end of April/beginning of May. This is the perfect time for you to start your new flock, as you will have a wider selection of chicks available and they will be old enough to start laying in the fall.

That being said there are several things you need to start thinking about before the chicks come home.

First, what breeds do you want?

There are several wonderful breeds out there to choose from. Some that lay green and blue eggs like Americanas or Easter Eggers, some chickens that are smaller and great for a subdivision like Bantams, some that are more for meat birds, and some that are great egg layers.

There is no "wrong chicken", you will just need to decide what all you are looking for, but that is another topic.

Once you decide on chicks, you need to bring them home.

Some things you will need off the bat:


Chick feed

Chick Water Container

Chick Feeder


Heat Lamp - Red Bulb preferable

Some large sticks or rocks for them to climb up on

Purina Has a Helpful video about some tidbits to know before getting your chicks. Check it out below!

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