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Poultry Swap Surprise

Today, Kyle and I went to our first poultry swap.

It wasn't a very good turn out. There were a few people there, and the "hosts" apparently forgot to advertise and put out signs. We actually didn't even know about it until this morning.

While there, some people were selling bunnies. Kyle and I have been tossing around the idea of starting into rabbits. So, I decided to ask them how much. They were all males, and the sellers were wanting $10/rabbit. As it turned out, they bought one of our cockerels for $5 and I asked them if they would be willing to take $5 for the bunny, so we basically ended up swapping.

So now we are starting a bunny adventure. The only problem. No enclosure yet. We will keep you posted on that. For the time being, he is being kept in the living room in a carrier inside a big dog crate. The smaller carrier is acting as his hutch.

Since I got the rabbit after the boss-man told me no. He got to name him. Meet Einstein!

Javelina Range

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