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Free Rosters - the Latest Farm Additions

We have 2 new additions on our farm;

Tennessee and Kingpin.

Tennessee is a Buff Orpington. He is very similar to our old rooster, Big Red, who we had to get rid of to get some more genetic diversity.

Kingpin is a silver splash cochin. He is a pretty chicken and pretty good sized at that matter!

They were both free on craigslist. Most people tend to give away roosters, seeing no benefit in them. However, since we breed our own replacement chicks, we often need new roosters.

At this point, we have 3 breeding roosters. These 2 and our Easter Egger. We also have a young blue wyandotte cockerel, but he is only about 3 months old, and wont be able to bred until fall.

Javelina Range

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