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Easter Egger Breeding

One thing that sets our eggs apart from most is the variety we have in the color of our eggs.

We have dark green, blue, light green, pink, brown, white and a few shades in between.

At the moment, we have an Easter Egger rooster who genetically is a blue egg layer.

No, roosters do not lay eggs.

So there are two crosses that I am breeding for in particular:

1- Olive Eggers: A hen that lays a dark green egg.

2- Super Blues: A blue egg layer produced from a blue hen and a blue rooster. This should result in a vibrant blue egg.

This is a simplified chart taken from pintrest to give you a general idea of what I am going for.

Right now, my hens are 1 Olive Egger, 1 Blue, 2 Spearmints.

Combining with my rooster should give me some interesting colors.

We have some blue eggs under one hen which will hatch in a few weeks and we recently had some olive egger crosses hatch, so they should give me more light green eggs.

Sadly, the chicks will need to be 6 months before they start laying. So it will be a while before we see the finished products.

Javelina Range

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