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Egg Variations

Eggs come in all sizes and colors.

Some of the most common egg sizes are:

Bantam, Medium, and Large.

Generally, there are no taste differences in sizes. Sometimes there is a difference in white to yolk ratio, as can be seen in duck eggs, some believe that the larger eggs are better for baking since they have larger yolks.

You can also have differences in shell color. This does not make a difference in taste and functionality, and no, the color does not transfer to inside the shell.

Some people prefer to have colored eggs in their baskets, these are produced by chickens known as Easter eggers, which can produce blue, green and all shades in-between. You can also have red egg layers, brown, white, and pink. The different colors are produced by the chicken genetics. Similar to hair color in people, there are several alleles passed down from the roosters and hens into the chicks that will cause the difference in shell color.

Most people get so focused on the hens, they tend to forget that when you are producing hens, the roosters are just as important.

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