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The Importance of Microchipping

This may be a sad blog post, but here it goes.

At the beginning of June, our beloved hound dog, Chester, went missing. As the time goes by, the only reassurance I have is at least he is microchipped.

Every day, hundreds of dogs go missing. Many of them lose their collars or lose their tags. Microchipping is a very inexpensive method of permanent identification.

Microchips cost around $50 and are good for the life of your dog.

The microchips do not track your dog. What they do is provide a serial number that can be picked up by a scanner that is provided to ALL shelters and clinic. There is no charge for scanning a dog that you have found. All you have to do is walk in and ask for the animal to be scanned.

Once scanned, the chip provides the clinic or shelter with a number that is specific to you and your dog. The clinic or shelter will then call a microchip company and be able to get the chip information and your information.

I highly suggest for everyone to microchip their pets. And yes, you can chip cats too!

For more information please go to the following website.

Javelina Range

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