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Tomato Plants

Earlier this summer we had to replant our tomato plants since the last batch got yellow leaf curl. So I decided to get some other tomato plants that were on clearance at ACE.

They are getting huge!

The giant green mass are the tomato plants.

We haven't gotten tomatoes off them yet. I have been doing some reading and sadly there is no way to rush the tomatoes into ripening.

Some of the locals have told me to beat them, bat them around a little to get the plants to start producing instead of growing. I had to create my own tomato cages since the plants quickly outgrew the regular metal ones.

My current "tomato cages" are the small metal garden posts with bailing twine strung between them.

Even so, I regularly have to go and trim it back to get it off my pepper plats.

I am leaning that I need to allow more space between my plants than it says on the packets.

Javelina Range

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