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Calcium - The Miracle Mineral

When you have chickens and ducks one of the things you will be most focused on is calcium. This is a critical nutrient when you have laying hens.

Chickens that do not get enough calcium can have thin shells, egg bounding, problems feathering, or even no shells at all!

Now do not dismay, there are several things you can do to help prevent this. For example, feeding them a good quality layer crumble. I prefer feeding Layena brand layer crumble, however when you are feeding 60 fowl, it can be a bit expensive, so I usually feed the Dumor brand or Hi-Pro. That being said, I can tell a difference in their shells, usually the shells are a little thicker on the Layena. This is something to keep in mind when selling, as the buyers associate a nice thick shell with farm fresh as opposed to store bought.

Now, there are ways that you can supplement calcium into their diets including; oyster shell, fresh vegetables, and crushing regular egg shells. If you decide to crush your own shells, make sure you crush them very fine. Sometimes a chicken will associate the crushed eggs with the same as the eggs in the nesting boxes!

I have a garden, so regularly I add the vegetables. This gives the calcium and also a nice treat!

Javelina Range

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